Fachbereich 9


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Hembach-Stunden, K., Vorlaufer, T., Engel, S. (2024). Threshold ambiguity and sustainable resource management: A lab experiment. Ecological Economics 226: 108353. doi.org./10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108353.

Humphrey, S.J., Kruse, N. (2024). Who accepts Savage's axiom now? Theory and Decision 96, 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11238-023-09938-8

Möckel, S., Baaken, M.C., Bartkowski, B., Beckmann, M., Strauch, M., Stubenrauch, J., Volk, M. et al. (2024). Zukunftsfähige Agrarlandschaften in Deutschland - praktische Maßnahmen und ihre Wirksamkeit im Vergleich. Natur und Recht 46, 13-24. doi.org/10.1007/s10357-023-4282-y.

Waldhof, G. (2024). Improving Science Communication About Genome Editing - Mitigating Strong Moral Convictions through Shared Moral Goals. A Roadmap for Plant Genome Editing, pp. 493-517. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-46150-7_30.


Baaken, M.C., Bartkowski, B., Rode, J. (2023). Exploring farmers' support needs for the adoption of agri-environmental practices: An application of the Theoretical Domains Framework. Environmental Research Communications 5, 11004. doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ad03b0.

Barreiro-Hurle, J., Dessart, F.D., Rommel, J., Czajkowski, M., Espinosa-Goded, M., Rodriguez-Entrena, M., Thomas, F., Zagorska, K. (2023). Willing or complying? The delicate interplay between voluntary and mandatory interventions to promote farmers' environmental behavior. Food Policy 120, 102481.

Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gsottbauer, E. (2023). External validity of experiments to improve the design of agri-environmental schemes. Journal of Agricultural Economics 2023; 00: 1–25.

Gillenkirch, R.M., Velthuis, L. (2023). Delegated risk-tasking, accountability, and outcome bias. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 67(2), 137-161.

Härtel, T. M., Hüttemann, D., Müller, J. (2023). Associations between the implementation of telework strategies and job performance: Moderating influences of boundary management preferences and telework experience. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 14, 2023.

Heinz, N., Koessler, A.K., Engel, S. (2023). Distance to climate change consequences reduces willingness to engage in low-cost mitigation actions–Results from an experimental online study from Germany. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0283190.

Höhler, J., Barreiro-Hurlé, J., Czajkowski, M., Dessart, F. J., Ferraro, P. J., Li, T., Messer, K. D., Palm-Forster, L., Termansen, M., Thomas, F., Zagórska, K., Zemo, K. H., Rommel, J. (2023). Perspectives on Stakeholder Participation in the Design of Economic Experiments for Agricultural Policymaking: Pros, Cons, and Twelve Recommendations for Researchers. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 1-22.

Jauernig, J., Uhl, M., Waldhof, G. (2023). Genetically engineered foods and moral absolutism: A representative study from Germany. Science and Engineering Ethics, 29 (5).

Koessler, A., Müller, J., Zitzelsberger, S. (2023). Asymmetric heterogeneities and the role of transfers in a public goods experiment. European Economic Review 159, 104561.

Koessler, A., Heinz, N., Engel, S. (2023). Perspective-taking with affected others to promote climate change mitigation. Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1225165.

Meickmann, Felix C. (2023). Cooperation in Knowledge-sharing and R&D investment. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 211, 146-164.

Ortiz-Riomalo, J.-F., Koessler, A.K., Miranda-Montagut, Y.M. Cardenas, J.C. (2023). Participatory interventions for collective action and sustainable resource management: linking actors, situations and contexts through the IAD, NAS and SES frameworks. Sustainability science, Vol. 18, 79-96. doi.org./10.1007/s11625-022-01215-x.

Ortiz-Riomalo, J.-F., Koessler, A. K., Engel, S. (2023). The impact of participatory interventions on pro-social behavior in environmental and natural resource management: Evidence from the lab and the field. In A. Bucciol, A. Tavoni, & M. Veronesi (Eds.), Behavioral Economics and the Environment: A Research Companion. Routledge.

Ortiz-Riomalo, J.-F., Koessler, A. K., Engel, S. (2023). Fostering collective action through participation in natural resource and environmental management: An integrative and interpretative narrative review using the IAD, NAS and SES frameworks. Journal of Environmental Management 331: 117184.

Pascual, U., Balvanera, P., Anderson, C.B. et al. (2023). Diverses values of nature for sustainability. Nature (2023). doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06406-9.

Vorlaufer, T., Engel, S., de Laat, J., Vollan, B. (2023). Payments for ecosystem services did not crowd-out pro-environmental behavior: long-term experimental evidence from Uganda. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120(18): e2215465120.

Vorlaufer, T., de Laat, J., Engel, S. (2023). Do Payments for Environmental Services Affect Forest Access and Social Preferences in the Long Run? Experimental Evidence from Uganda. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 10(2): 389-412.


Apolte, T., Müller, J. (2022). The persistence of political myths and ideologies. European Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 71, 102076.

Barton, D. N., Chaplin-Kramer, R., Lazos, E., Van Noordwijk, M., Engel, S., Girvan, A., Hahn, T., Leimona, B., Lele, S., Niamir, A., Özkaynak, B., Pawlowska-Mainville, A., Muradian, R., Ungar, P., Aydin, C., Iranah, P., Nelson, S., Cantú-Fernández, M., and González-Jiménez, D. (2022).
Chapter 4: Value expression in decision-making. In: Balvanera, P., Pascual, U., Christie, M., Baptiste, B., and González-Jiménez, D. (eds). Methodological Assessment Report on the Diverse Values and Valuation of Nature of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. IPBES secretariat, Bonn, Germany.

Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gsottbauer, E. (2022). Incentivizing coordination in the adoption of sustainable land use when costs are heterogeneous: An economic experiment. Land Use Policy 123: 106397.

Inbar, Y., Waldhof, G. (2022). Mitigating Consequence-Insensitive Attitudes Towards GE Crops? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

Koessler, A., Vorlaufer, T., Fiebelkorn, F. (2022). Social Norms and Climate-Friendly Behaviour of Adolescents. PLOS ONE 17 (4): e0266847.

Müller, J., Schwieren, C., Spitzer, F. (2022). How to prevent destruction: On the malleability of anti-social behaviour. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 97, 10798.

Müller, J., Upmann, T. (2022). Eigenvalue productivity: Measurement of individual contributions in teams. PLoS ONE 17(9): e0273623.

Wilmes, R., Waldhof, G., Breunig, P. (2022). Can Digital Farming Technologies Enhance the Willingness to Buy Products from Current Farming Systems? Plos One.


Dessart, F. J., Rommel, J., Barreiro Hurle, J., Thomas, F., Rodríguez-Entrena, M., Espinosa-Goded, M., Zagórska, K., Czajkowski, M. and Van Bavel, R. (2021). Farmers and the new green architecture of the EU common agricultural policy: a behavioural experiment, EUR 30706 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.

Falk, T., Vorlaufer, T., Brown, L., Domptail, S., Dallimer, M. (2021). ‘Citizens’ Preferences for Development Outcomes and Governance Implications’. Land Degradation & Development, October, ldr. 4099.

Gillenkirch, R. M., Korn O., Merz, A. (2021). After the stock options boom: IFRS adoption and changes in equity-based pay following the mandatory adoption of IFRS 2. The International Journal of Accounting, Vol. 56, No. 02, 2150006.

Heinz, N., Koessler, A. K. (2021). Other-regarding preferences and pro-environmental behaviour: An interdisciplinary review of experimental studies. Ecological Economics, 184, 106987.

Humphrey, Steven J., Mondorf, S. (2021). Testing the causes of betrayal aversion. Economic letters 198, 109663.

Klus, M. F., Müller, J. (2021). The digital leader: What one needs to master today's organisational challenges. Journal of Business Economics, 91, 1189-1223.

Koessler, A. K., Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Engel, S. (2021). Inducing perspective-taking for prosocial behaviour in natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, August 2021.

Koessler, A. K., Engel, S. (2021). Policies as Information Carriers: How Environmental Policies May Change Beliefs and Consequent Behavior, International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 15: No. 1-2, pp 1-31. 

Koessler, A. K., Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F.,  Janke, M., Engel, S. (2021). Structuring Communication Effectively—The Causal Effects of Communication Elements on Cooperation in Social Dilemmas. Environmental and Resource Economics, April 2021.  

Koessler, A. K., Page, L., Dulleck, U. (2021). Public cooperation statements. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, April 2021.

Lefebvre, M., J. Barreiro-Hurle, C. Blanchflower, L. Colen, L. Kuhfuss, J. Rommel, T. Sumrada Thomas, F. and S. Thoyer. (2021). Can Economic Experiments Contribute to a More Effective CAP? Euro Choices, Online Early View.

Lliso, B., Arias Arevalo, P., Maca Millán, S., Pascual, U., Engel, S. (2021). Motivational crowding effects in payments for ecosystem services under alternative value frames: Instrumental versus relational values. People and Nature 00:1-18.

Lliso, B., Pascual, U., Engel, S. (2021). On the role of social equity in payments for ecosystem services in Latin America: A practitioner perspective. Ecological Economics 182, April 2021.

Pies, I., Waldhof, G., Valentinov, V. (2021). Diskursblockaden in der Debatte um grüne Gentechnik - Analysen und Reformempfehlungen aus ordonomischer Sicht. Green Deal - Was kommt auf die Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft zu? Schriftenreihe der Rentenbank, Bd. 37, 93-147. Edmund-Rehwinkel Stiftung.

Working papers 2021

Bernal-Escobar, A., Engel, S. and Midler, E. (2021a). Beyond a Market Discourse: Is Framing a Solution to Avoid Motivational Crowding-Out in Payments for Ecosystem Services? 

Bernal-Escobar, A., Engel, S., Midler, E. and Vorlaufer, T. 2021b. Who is Benefiting Down-stream? Experimental Evidence on the Relevance of Upstream-Downstream Geographic Distance for Water Provision.

Bernal-Escobar, A., Engel, S. and Midler, E. (2021c). Behavioral spillovers from mixing conservation policies in neighboring areas: An experimental analysis on fairness perceptions towards un-equal policies.

Heinz, N., Koessler, A. K., Engel, S. (2021). Distance to climate change consequences reduces willingness to engage in low-cost mitigation actions–Results from an experimental online study from Germany. ZBW-Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.

Lliso, B., Arias-Arévalo, P., Maca-Millán, S., Engel, S., Pascual, U. (2021). Motivational crowding effects in payments for ecosystem services under alternative value frames: Instrumental versus relational values.


Döpke, J., Fritsche, U., Waldhof, G. (2020). Never Change a Losing Horse? On Adaptations in German Forecasting after the Great Financial Crisis. Futures Past, Economic Forecasting in the 20th and 21st Century, Berlin: Peter Lang.

Engel, S. (2020). Payments for environmental services. Essential Concepts of Global Environmental Governance, J. F. Morin and A. Orsini (eds.), 2nd edition. Routledge.

Glaser, M., Breckwoldt, A., Ferse, S., Gorris, P., Schwerdtner-Manez, K. (2020). The Governance of Coastal and Marine Social-Ecological Systems: Indonesia and Beyond. Science for the Protection of Indonesia's Coastal and Marine Systems (Eds. T. Jennerjahn, H. Reuter), Routledge.

Glaser, M., Gorris, P. (2020). Decentralization and participation in integrated coastal management: Policy lessons from Brazil and Indonesia, Integrated Coastal Zone Management Re-visited (Eds. B. Glaeser, M. Glaser), Routledge.

Gorris, P., Glaser, M. (2020). Information transmission capacity and robustness of natural resource governance networks in Brazil and Indonesia: A comparative analysis. Human Ecology Review.

Howell, N. J., Koessler, A. K., Mason, R. and Dulleck, U. (2020). Behavioral insights into the impact of bankruptcy's public record on business activity. Insolvency Law Journal 28(3): 125-148.

Kluger, L., Gorris, P., Kochalski, S., Müller, M., Romagnoni, G. (2020). Studying human-nature relationships through a network lens: A systematic review. People and Nature 2: 1100-1116.

Koessler, A. K., Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Janke, M., Engel, S. (2020). Structuring communication effectively for environmental cooperation. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics.

Lliso, B., Pascual, U., Mariel, P., Engel, S. (2020). Increasing the credibility and salience of valuation through deliberation: Lessons from the Global South. Global Environmental Change 62.

Lliso, B., Pascual, U., Engel, S., Mariel, P. (2020). Payments for ecosystem services or collective stewardship of Mother Earth? Applying deliberative valuation in an indigenous community in Colombia. Ecological Economics.  

Pahl-Wostl, C., Gorris, P., Jager, N., Koch, L., Lebel, L., Stein, C., Venghaus, S., Withanachchi, S. (2020). Scale-related governance challenges in the water–energy–food nexus: toward a diagnostic approach. Sustainability Science.

Vorlaufer, T., Vollan, B. (2020). How Migrants Benefit Poor Communities: Evidence from Rural Zambia. Land Economics, 96, 1, 111-131.

Waldhof, G. (2020). Moral in der Gentechnikdebatte? - Warum machen Diskurse nicht zu einer Einigung führen. Jahrbuch des IAMO 2020, Halle.

Wunder, S., Brouwer, R. Engel, S., Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Pinto, R. (2020). In defence of simplified PES designs. Nature sustainability, June 2020.


Arnold, M. C., Gillenkirch, R. M., Hannan, R. L. (2019). The effect of environmental risk on the efficiency of negotiated transfer prices. Contemporary Accounting Research, 36 (2), 1122-1145.

Döpke, J., Fritsche, U., Waldhof, G. (2019). Theories, techniques and the formation of German business cycle forecasts: Evidence from a survey of professional forecasters. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik.

Dreyer, N., Gillenkirch, R. M. (2019). Cash versus opportunity costs and revenues in bilateral bargaining. Journal of Business Economics, 89 (4), 357-383.

Engel, S., Ovando Pol P., (2019). Guest editorial to the Special Issue on Payments for Forest Watershed Services. Water Resources and Economics.

Ferré, M., Muller, A., Leifeld, J., Bader, C., Müller, M., Engel, S., Wichmann, S. (2019). Sustainable management of cultivated peatlands in Switzerland: insights, challenges, and opportunities. Land Use Policy 87, 104019.

Heitmann, F., Pahl-Wostl., C., Engel, S. (2019). Requirements Based Design of Environmental System of Systems: Development and Application of a Nexus Design Framework. Sustainability, 11, 3464.

Lliso, B., Pascual, U., Engel, S., Mariel, P. (2019). Payments for ecosystem services or collective stewardship of Mother Earth? Applying deliberative valuation in an indigenous community in Colombia. Ecological Economics, 169 (March 2020).

Müller, J., Schwieren, C. (2019). Big Five personality factors in the Trust Game. Journal of Business Economics, 90, 37-55.

Thomas, F., Midler, E., Lefebvre, M., Engel, S. (2019). Greening the Common Agricultural Policy: a behavioural perspective and lab-in-the-field experiment in Germany. European Review of Agricultural Economics.

Vorlaufer, T. (2019). Effects of Double-Anonymity on Pro- and Anti-Social Behavior: Experimental Evidence from a Lab in the Field. Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, 81, 216-225.


Andreoni, J., Koessler, A. K., and Serra-Garcia, M. (2018). Who gives? - On empathy and impulsiveness.  The Economics of Philanthropy, MIT press.

Cardenas, J. C., Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F. (2018). Acción colectiva para abordar conflictos socio-ambientales. El caso de Santurbán. In: Modos de gobernanza del agua y sostenibilidad. Aportes conceptuales y análisis de experiencias en Colombia (Ed: Hernández, A.), Eciciones Uniande.

Falk, T., Spangenberg, J. H., Siegmund-Schultze, M., Kobbe, S., Feike, T., Kuebler, D., Settele, J., Vorlaufer, T. (2018). Identifying governance challenges in ecosystem services management – Conceptual considerations and comparison of global forest case. Ecosystem Services. 32: 193-203.

Feindt, P. H., Krämer, C., Früh-Müller, A., Wolters, V., Pahl-Wostl, C., Heißenhuber, A., van Bers, C., Thomas, F., Purnhagen, K. (2018). Der Status quo ist keine Option – Vorschlag für eine zukunftsfähige Architektur der Agrarpolitik. Natur und Landschaft 93, 6, 280-285.

Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gsottbauer, E. (2018). Which Agglomeration Payment for a Sustainable Management of Organic Soils in Switzerland? – An Experiment Accounting for Farmers' Cost Heterogeneity. Ecological Economics, 150, 24-33.

Gerhardinger, L. C., Gorris, P., Gonçalves, L. R., Herbst, D. F., Vila-Nova, D. A., Carvalho, F. G. de, Glaser, M., Zondervan, R., Glavovic, B. (2018). Healing Brazil’s Blue Amazon: The role of knowledge networks in nurturing cross-scale transformations at the frontlines of ocean sustainability. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:395.

Gillenkirch, R. M., Velthuis, L. J. (2018). Subjective evaluations of risk taking decisions: Experimental evidence on outcome biases and their consequences. Working paper.

Glaeser, B., Ferse, S., Gorris, P. (2018). Fisheries in Indonesia between livelihoods and environmental degradation: Coping strategies in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi. In: Societal and governing responses to global change in marine systems (Eds.: Guillotreau, P., Bundy, A., Perry, I. R.), Routledge.

Glaeser, B., Ferse, S. C. A., Gorris, P. (2018). Fisheries in Indonesia between livelihoods and environmental degradation: Coping strategies in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi. In Global Change in Marine Systems: Integrating Natural, Social and Governing Responses. Guillotreau, P., Bundy, A., Perry, R. I., Eds. Routledge: Oxon/New York, pp. 67–82. 

Glaser, M., Gorris, P., Ferreira, B.P., Breckwoldt, A. 2018. Analysing Ecosystem User Perceptions of the Governance Interactions Surrounding a Brazilian Near Shore Coral Reef. Sustainability 10(5):1464.

Gsottbauer, E., Gampfer, R., Bernold, E., Delas, A.-M. (2018). Broadening the scope of loss and damage to legal liability: an experiment, Climate Policy 18(5):600-611.

Laux, H., Gillenkirch, R. M., Schenk-Mathes, H. Y. (2018). Entscheidungstheorie, 10th Ed.

Li, Z., Müller, J., Wakker, P. P., Wang, T. V. (2018). The Rich Domain of Ambiguity Explored. Management Science, Vol. 64, 7, 2973-3468.

Müller, J., Upmann, T. (2018). Centralised Labour Market Negotiations: Strategic Behaviour Curbs Employment. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE), Vol. 174, No. 2, 278-302.

Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F., Rettberg, A. (2018). Minería de oro, conflicto y criminalidad en los albores del siglo XXI en Colombia: Perspectivas para el posconflicto colombiano. Colombia Internacional (93): 17-63. 

Rettberg, A., Cardenas, J.C., Ortiz-Riomalo, J. F. (2018). Mismo recurso, diferentes conflictos: Un análisis de la relación entre oro, conflicto y criminalidad en seis departamentos colombianos. In: ¿Diferentes recursos, conflictos diferentes? La economía política regional del conflicto armado y la criminalidad en Colombia (Eds. Rettberg, A., Leiteritz, R., Nasi, C. and Prieto, J.D.), Ediciones Uniande.

Thomas, F., Koessler, A. K., Engel, S. (2018). Stupsende Agrarpolitik? Nudging zu einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft. Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 87 (2/2018): 127-138. DIW, Berlin.

Vollan, B., Hönow, C., Vorlaufer, T. (2018). On the definition and comparability of individual and group incentives for environmental conservation. Conservation Letters. 11:e12577.

Wunder, S., Brouwer, R., Engel, S., Ezzine-de-Blas, D., Muradian, R., Pascual, U., Pinto, R. (2018). From principles to practice in paying for nature’s services. Nature Sustainability 1 (March 2018): 145-150.


Duersch, P., Müller, J. (2017). Bidding for nothing? The pitfalls of overly neural framing. Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 24, 13.

Feindt, P. H., Krämer, C., Früh-Müller, A., Wolters, V., Pahl-Wostl, C., Heißenhuber, A., van Bers, C., Thomas, F., Purnhagen, K. (2017). A future-oriented social contract with the agricultural sector: Plea for a new agricultural policy, Policy paper from the ZANEXUS project, presented to the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Bonn/Berlin, January 2017.

Feindt, P. H., Krämer, C., Früh-Müller, A., Wolters, V., Pahl-Wostl, C., Heißenhuber, A., van Bers, C., Thomas, F., Purnhagen, K. (2017): Ein zukunftsfähiger Gesellschaftsvertrag mit der Landwirtschaft: Plädoyer für eine neue Agrarpolitik.

Feindt, P. H., Krämer, C., Früh-Müller, A., Wolters, V., Pahl-Wostl, C., Heißenhuber, A., van Bers, C., Thomas, F., Purnhagen, K. (2017). Ein neuer Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine nachhaltige Landwirtschaft: Auf dem Weg zu einer integrativen Politik für den Agrarsektor. Politikpapier des Forschungs- und Entwicklungs-Verbundvorhabens "ZA-NExUS: Zukunftsfähige Agrarpolitik - Natur erhalten, Umwelt sichern", gefördert vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz und dem Umweltbundesamt, FKZ 35158 80 400, Bonn/Berlin, 32 Seiten, Mai 2017.

Gillenkirch, R. M., Kreienbaum, H. (2017). What guides subjective performance evaluation: Incentive alignment or norm enforcement? Review of Managerial Science, 11 (4), 933-957.

Gorris, P., Javaid, A. (2017). Fischen mit Gift und Dynamit - Ursachen und Lösungen. Technologie-Information - Wissen und Innovation aus niedersächsischen Hochschulen. Themenschwerpunkt: Wasser und Meer, 3:2.

He, P., Veronesi, M. Engel, S. (2017). Consistency of Risk Preference Measures: An Artefactual Field Experiment from Rural China. Journal of Development Studies.

Humphrey, Steven J., Lindsay, Luke, Starmer, Chris. (2017). Consumption experience, choice experience and the endowment effect. Journal of the Economic Science Association 3, 109.

Javaid, A., Janssen, M., Rueter, H., Schlüter, A. (2017). When Patience Leads to Destruction: The Curious Case of Individual Time Preferences and the Adoption of Destructive Fishing Gears. Ecological Economics 142 (2017): 91-103.

Koessler, A. K., Page, L., Dulleck, U., (2017). Promoting pro-social behavior with public statements of good intent, MPRA Paper 80072, University Library of Munich, Germany.

Muller, A., Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gattinger, A., Holzkämper, A., Huber, R., Müller, M., Six, J. (2017). Can soil-less crop production be a sustainable option for soil conservation and future agriculture? Land Use Policy 69: 102-105.


Bernold, E., Gsottbauer, E., Murphy, R., Ackermann, K. (2016). Social framing and cooperation: The roles and interaction of preferences and beliefs. Mimeo, University of Innsbruck.

Engel, S. (2016). The Devil in the Detail: A Practical Guide on Designing Payments for Environmental Services. International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 9(1–2):131-177.

Engel, S., Muller, A. (2016). Payments for Environmental Services to Promote Climate-Smart Agriculture? Potential and Challenges. Agricultural Economics 47 (S1): 173-184.

Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gsottbauer, E. (2016). Can agglomeration payments induce sustainable management of peat soils in Switzerland? – A computerized framed experiment.

Ferré, M., Muller, A., Leifeld, J., Bader, C., Muller, M., Engel, S., Wichmann, S. (2016). Sustainable management of cultivated peatlands: Insights, challenges, and opportunities – A case study from Switzerland

Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gsottbauer, E. (2016). Incentives for sustainable land use considering cost heterogeneity among farmers: Results from a computerized framed experiment.

Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gsottbauer, E. (2016). External validity of experiments in environmental economics: framing and subject pool effects among students and professionals.

Figuières, C., Midler, E. (2016). Compensations to curb deforestation efficiently can also reward environmental merit.

Glaeser, B., Ferse, S., Gorris, P. (2016). Fisheries in Indonesia between livelihoods and environmental degradation: Coping strategies in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi. In: Societal and governing responses to global change in marine systems (Eds.: Guillotreau, P., Bundy, A., Perry, I. R.), Routledge.

Gorris, P. (2016). Deconstructing the Reality of Community-Based Management of Marine Resources in a Small Island Context in Indonesia. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:120.

Gorris, P., Glaser, M., Idrus R., Yusuf, A. M. (2016). Governing natural resources in decentralized political systems: Insights from analyzing interaction patterns among governance actors of a regional fishery in Indonesia.

Grolleau, G., Midler, E., Mzoughi, N. (2016). Behavioral insights for the analysis of green tips.

Gsottbauer, E., Gampfer, R., Bernold, E., Delas, A-M. (2016). Could climate change liability help to strike a climate agreement? An experiment. Climate Policy.

Gsottbauer, E., Engel, S., Wätzold, F., Drechsler, M. (2016). Coordination and inequalities in agglomeration payments: An experimental analysis.

He, P., M. Veronesi, Engel, S. (2016). Consistency of Risk Preference Measures and the Role of Ambiguity: An Artefactual Field Experiment from China. Working Paper No. 3, Department of Economics, University of Verona.

He, P., Veronesi, M., Engel, S. (2016). Consistency of Risk Preference Measures: An Artefactual Field Experiment from Rural China.

Heitmann, F., Pahl-Wostl, C., Engel, S. (2016). Using System of Systems Engineering to develop an analytical WEF-Nexus framework.

Javaid, A., Kulesz, M. M., Schlüter, A., Ghosh, A., Jiddawi, N.S. (2016). Time Preferences and Natural Resource Extraction Behavior: An Experimental Study from Artisanal Fisheries in Zanzibar. PloS one 11.12 (2016): e0168898.

Javaid,  A., Janssen, M., Rueter, H., Schlüter, A. (2016). When patience leads to destruction: the curious case of individual time preferences and the adoption of destructive fishing gears.

Javaid, A., Schlüter, A. (2016). Temporal dilemma, resource extraction and use of destructive extraction methods: experimental evidence from Zanzibar.

Javaid, A. (2016). Competitiveness, Inequality-aversion and spiteful behavior: the dark side of social comparison.

Koessler, A., Torgler, B., Feld, L. P., Frey, S. (2016). Commitment to Pay Taxes: A Field Experiment on the Importance of Promise, CESifo Working Paper No. 6186, November 2016.

Koessler, A., Page, L., Dulleck, U. (2016). Public statements of good intent help to sustain pro-social behaviour in public good situations.

Muller, A., Bader, C., Ferré, M., Engel, S., Gattinger, A., Holzkämper, A., Huber, R., Müller, M., Six, J. (2016). Can soil-less crop production be a sustainable option for soil conservation and future agriculture?

Reutemann, T., Engel, S., Pareja, E. (2016). How (not) to Pay - Field Experimental Evidence on the Design of REDD+ Payments. Ecological Economics 129: 220-229.

Thomas, F., Knüppe, K. (2016). From Flood Protection to Flood Risk Management: Insights from the Rhine River in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. Water Resources Management 30, 8: 2785-2800.

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