Fachbereich 9


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Archiv (1987-2009)


Daria Suprunenko
Not-so-innocent bystanders:
Trade with neighbors of sanctioned countries
Download IEW Working Paper #123

Vera Baye und Valeriya Dinger
Investment incentives of rent controls and gentrification –
Evidence from German micro data
Download IEW Working Paper #122

Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
Development aid and illicit capital flight:
Evidence from Nepal
Download IEW Working Paper #121

Louisa Grimm, Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
On Optimal Currency Areas and Common Cycles:
Are the Acceding Countries Ready to Join the Euro?
Download IEW Working Paper #120

Yin-Wong Cheung, Louisa Grimm und Frank Westermann
The Evolution of Offshore Renminbi Trading: 2016 to 2019
Download IEW Working Paper #119

Joachim Wilde
What drives trust of long-term unemployed in their caseworkers?
An empirical analysis using experimental data
Download IEW Working Paper #118

Christoph Bierbrauer
Towards a new architecture for the euro area:
An early appraisal of the Juncker Commission
Download IEW Working Paper #117

Yin-Wong Cheung und Wenhao Wang
A Jackknife Model Averaging Analysis of RMB Misalignment Estimates
Download IEW Working Paper #116

Yin-Wong Cheung, Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
Capital Flight to Germany: Two Alternative Measures
Download IEW Working Paper #115

Yin-Wong Cheung, Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
A Tale of Two Surplus Countries: China and Germany
Download IEW Working Paper #114

Sven Steinkamp, Aaron Tornell und Frank Westermann
Evergreening in the Euro Area: Facts and Explanation
Download IEW Working Paper #113

Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
Systemic Crisis and Growth Revisited: Has the Global Financial Crisis
Marked a New Era?
Download IEW Working Paper #112

Valeriya Dinger, Vlad Marincas und Francesco Vallascas
Systemic Effects of Bank Equity Issues: Competition, Stabilization and Contagion
Download IEW Working Paper #111

Christoph Bierbrauer
National Fiscal Stimulus Packages And Consolidation Strategies In A Monetary Union
Download IEW Working Paper #110

Christoph Bierbrauer
Fiscal policy transmission in a non-Ricardian model of a monetary union
Download IEW Working Paper #109

Andreas Steiner, Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
Exit Strategies, Capital Flight and Speculative Attacks:
Europe's Version of the Trilemma
Download IEW Working Paper #108

Sven Steinkamp, Aaron Tornell und Frank Westermann
The Euro Area’s Common Pool Problem Revisited: Has the Single Supervisory Mechanism Ameliorated Forbearance and Evergreening?
Download IEW Working Paper #107

Jair N. Ojeda-Joya und Oscar E. Guzman
The Size of Fiscal Multipliers and the Stance of Monetary Policy in Developing Economies
Download IEW Working Paper #106

Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
Multilateral loans and interest rates: further evidence on the seniority conundrum
Download IEW Working Paper #105

Florian Hartmann, Matthieu Charpe, Peter Flaschel und Roberto Veneziani
A Basic Model of Real-Financial Market Interactions with Heterogeneous Opinion Dynamics
Download IEW Working Paper #104

Yin-Wong Cheung, Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
China's Capital Flight: Pre- and Post-Crisis Experiences
Download IEW Working Paper #103

Andreas Scholze und Frank Westermann
Wie bilanziert die EZB - Ein Kommentar zur Bilanzausweitung der Europäischen Zentralbank
Download IEW Working Paper #102

Nephil M. Maskay, Sven Steinkamp und Frank Westermann
On Remittances, Foreign Currency Exposure and Credit Constraints: Evidence from Nepal
Download IEW Working Paper #101

Valeriya Dinger und Francesco Vallascas
Are Banks Less Likely to Issue Equity When They Are Less Capitalized?
Download IEW Working Paper #100

Frank Westermann
Discussion of "TARGET2 and Central Bank Balance Sheets"
Download IEW Working Paper #99     

Peter Flaschel, Florian Hartmann, Chris Malikane und Christian R. Prosano
A Behavioral Macroeconomic Model of Exchange Rate Fluctuations with Complex Market Expectations Formation
Download IEW Working Paper #98

Steiner, Andreas
A Tale of Two Deficits: Public Budget Balance of Reserve Currency Countries
Download IEW Working Paper #97

Kuckuck, Jan und Westermann, Frank
On the size of fiscal multipliers: A counterfactual analysis
Download IEW Working Paper #96

Dufour, Jean-Marie und Wilde, Joachim
Weak identification in probit models with endogenous covariates
Download IEW Working Paper #95

Dinger, Valeriya, Steinkamp, Sven und Westermann, Frank
The Tragedy of the Commons and Inflation Bias in the Euro Area
Download IEW Working Paper #94

Wilde, Joachim
Effects of simultaneity on testing Granger-causality - a cautionary note about statistical problems and economic misinterpretations
Download IEW Working Paper #93

Steinkamp, Sven und Westermann, Frank
On Creditor Seniority and Sovereign Bond Prices in Europe
Download IEW Working Paper #92

Kuckuck, Jan
Testing Wagner's Law at Different Stages of Economic Development A Historical Analysis of Five Western European Countries
Download IEW Working Paper #91

Qian, Xingwang und Steiner, Andreas
International Reserves and the Composition of Equity Capital Inflows
Download IEW Working Paper #90

Diekmann, Katharina
Are there spillover effects from Hong Kong and the United States to Chinese stock markets?
Download IEW Working Paper #89

Craig, Ben R. und Dinger, Valeriya
The Duration of Bank Retail Interest Rates
Download IEW Working Paper #88

Brauer, Sebastian, Leuschner, Carl-Friedrich und Westermann, Frank
Does the Introduction of IFRS Change the Timeless of Loss Recognition? Evidence from German Firms
Download IEW Working Paper #87

Diekmann, Katharina und Westermann, Frank
Financial Development and Sectoral Output Growth in 19th Century Germany
Download IEW Working Paper #86

Steiner, Andreas
The Accumulation of Foreign Exchange by Central Banks: Fear of Capital Mobility?
Download IEW Working Paper #85

Steiner, Andreas
Central Banks' Dilemma: Reserve Accumulation, Inflation and Financial Instability
Download IEW Working Paper #84

Lindenberg, Nannette und Westermann, Frank
How Strong is the Case for Dollarization in Central America? An Empirical Analysis of Business Cycles, Credit Market Imperfections and the Exchange Rate
Download IEW Working Paper #83

Bönisch, Peter; Gaffert, Philipp und Wilde, Joachim
The Impact of Skills on Remigration Flows
Download IEW Working Paper #82

Brauer, Sebastian und Westermann, Frank
A Note on the Time Series Measure of Conservatism
Download IEW Working Paper #81

Steiner, Andreas
Contagious Policies: An Analysis of Spatial Interactions Among Countries’ Capital Account Policies
Download IEW Working Paper #80